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The War In Ukraine And The New Humanism: David Versus Goliath
We offer fragments of the new book “War In Ukraine And The New Humanism: David Versus Goliath” writer and psychoanalyst Nazip Khamitov, whose world fame was brought by his works "Female and Male Solitude", "People of Anguish and People of Boredom", "Philosophy of Human: from Metaphysics to Meta-anthropology", "Mystery of Male and Female nature".
In the book, which was published in three languages, explores the causes and consequences of the war in Ukraine. From the perspective of the meta-anthropology of history – the philosophy of the ordinary, the boundary and meta-boundary human and mankind being – the author understands this war as a confrontation between a new humanism and neo-totalitarianism, which are marked by biblical metaphors of David and Goliath.
In the epilogue, the author takes the liberty of answering the question: How will the war in Ukraine end and what will happen next?..

The civilization project of Ukraine in the context of personality self-realization
The civilizational Ukraine project is to become a response to new global challenges facing as the challenges to human nature and generate in principle innovative strategies of personal self-realization. Only then this civilizational project will be supported by the world.